If there is one thing I've learned through all that has been going on in my life, it's that when we make plans, we should keep in mind that all things are subject to change. I've found a new name for God, and that is the Divine Editor! He's editing my life and the direction I'm heading in, and I'm so grateful that He loves me enough to step in and put me on the path that HE plans for me.
That being said, here is the schedule and list of cities I will be visiting, but it is subject to editing :)
I will be making five loops in this journey, stopping back in Memphis between each loop to gather supplies, gain support, and get prayer!
Loop 1 (September 10- October 12)
Nasheville, Tennessee
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Atlanta, Georgia
Birmingham, Alabama
Memphis, Tennessee
Loop 2 (October 16- December 7)
St. Louis, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri
Denver, Colorado
Omaha, Nebraska
Chicago, Illinois
Memphis, Tennessee
Loop 3 (January3- February 1)
Pheonix, Arizona
Los Angeles, California
San Francisco, California
Salt Lake City, Utah
Las Vegas, Nevada
Memphis, Tennessee
Loop 4 (February 5- April 12)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Houston, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
El Paso, Texas
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Little Rock, Arkansas
Memphis, Tennessee
Loop 5 (April 23- June1)
Louisville, Kentucky
Columbus, Ohio
New York City, New York
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Baltimore, Maryland
Washington D. C.
Richmond, Virginia
Asheville, North Carolina
Knoxville, Tennessee
Nashville, Tennessee
Memphis, Tennesee
That is my route! Loop 3 is a more expensive loop, because it will require a plane ticket from and to Memphis, whereas I will be driving my own car on all of the other loops. I know, though, that God will provide a way! If you know of any connections or programs in any of these cities, please let me know. That would be very helpful! Please keep these cities in your prayers, and pray for God to provide in unexplainable ways and to revive these cities and bring His lost sheep home!
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